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The name of this web is

Germanica: Wörterbuch und Übungen für Anfänger

Web for practising German featuring the following resources:

Important note

The contents of this web are offered as they are. An effort has been made in order to build a bug free web with valid contents. This effort wil continue in the future. In spite of that the web can have errors or a content may be wrong. Those possible problems will be corrected as soon as possible, once detected.

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Credits Credits

Resources used in the development of this web:

Icons by FAMFAMFAM (Silk icons set)

"Germanica" logo generated at Logo Creator

Palette of colors "quiet morning" by Skyblue2u at COLOUR lover

Buttons generated with Da Buttom Factory

Gradient images made at Dynamic Drive: Gradient Image Maker


Germanica: Wörterbuch und Übungen für Anfänger

Germanica: Wörterbuch und Übungen für Anfänger

and the url is https://www.linguagermanica.net/

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From "Lingua Germanica".

In Latin means "German language".